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Total 81.94
July 2014, English
16.5×24.5 cm, 224 pages, 183 color ill., softcover
ISBN 978-3-943365-29-0
strobo (M. Friederich, J. von Klier)
Bildmuseet, Umeå University, Sweden; Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
Out of print

Slow Narration Moving Still takes Florian Zeyfang’s 2009 solo exhibition at the Bildmuseet in Umeå as its starting point and ends with the artist’s newest work shown at Künstlerhaus Stuttgart and KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin. The arrested film, the silent video still, the rhythm of the slide projector—Zeyfang’s videos, slideshows, and installations explore a politics of form. Along the lines laid out by experimental film, the works explore, in the language of a “minor medium,” the possibilities of minimal narratives.


But this publication is more than a monograph. On the occasion of the 2009 exhibition, Anselm Franke and Marc Glöde prepared lectures on the perception of slides in art, Walter Benjamin’s complex notions of the “dialectic image” and the “image sphere,” and the horizon as the border of visual operation. For this volume they developed these ideas further into subjective analyses of artistic narration. Ariane Müller tosses a stone in a lake and Adnan Yıldız talks with Zeyfang about image, time, and the narrating archive. An interview by Bildmuseet’s director Katarina Pierre runs through the publication, and an extensive index translates the concept of Zeyfang’s films into the printed format.

